Tuesday, September 9, 2008

DUI Lawyers - Find A Qualified Attorney

Those DUI lawyers do provide a valuable and appreciated legal service for both defendants and the court system. A good DWI DUI lawyer assists their clients to understand the laws and ramifications of driving while under the influence of alcohol or drugs. A lawyer specializing in DUI cases knows what you are going through and wants to help you win your case by providing you the best defense possible.

Locate a DUI lawyer that understands the law and you. The penalties are too severe to be without adequate representation. Do yourself a favor and explore their services. Find a lawyer and ask for a free initial consultation and see how they can help.

Start today, it's never too soon!

DUI In Other Countries

You think the USA DUI laws are harsh! If you were charged with a DUI in these countries you certainly needed to find a good lawyer.

AUSTRALIA - The names of the drivers are sent to the local newspapers and are printed under the heading, "He's Drunk and in Jail".

MALAYA - The driver is jailed, and if he's married, his wife is jailed, too

SOUTH AFRICA - A 10-year prison sentence and the equivalent of a $10,000 fine, or both.

TURKEY - Drunk drivers are taken 20 miles from town by the police and forced to walk back, under escort.

NORWAY - Three weeks in jail at hard labor, one year loss of license. Second offense within 5 years - license revoked for life.

FINLAND AND SWEDEN - Automatic jail for one year at hard labor.

COSTA RICA - Police remove plates from car.

RUSSIA - License revoked for life.

ENGLAND - One year suspension and $250.00 fine and jail for one year.

FRANCE - Three year loss of; license, one year in jail and $1,000 fine.

POLAND - Jail and fine and forced to attend political lectures.

BULGARIA - A second conviction results in execution.

EL SALVADOR - Your first offense is your last. Execution by firing squad.

Of course this information was valid in 1983 and has probably changed since then. But, can you really afford a DUI conviction? Check out some good lawyers today!